Sunday, September 20, 2009

In honor of the Emmys...

If I ever inexplicably become super famous and get to regularly walk red carpets, you can bet your ass I'd rock some Marchesa. I was watching the Rachel Zoe Project this season, and one episode she dropped into their workspace during what I think was Fashion Week earlier this year, and even just seeing it on TV you could tell how mind-blowing the dresses would be up close. Here are my favorite looks from SS 2010:

My choice for a more classic look.

The one that would land me on the worst-dressed list, but I don't care because I dig the random swash of fabric.

A little Sarah Jessica Parker, but doesn't it look like despite all the action, it would actually be flattering?

So rock and roll, and I would definitely wear it with the tights. I kind of want to DIY those...

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