Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chloe Fall 2010 RTW

I read through the latest Vogue while getting my hair done this week, and in it they boldly claimed that women were DONE with the deconstructed, messy, just-rolled-out-of-bed rockstar/hipster look. We're apparently, collectively, ready for a re-tread of the polished 50's - 80's looks. Well, that's obviously not exactly how they put it - I think there was some mumbo-jumbo about how original it all was - but that's definitely what Wintour was selling. And she was definitely using Chloe as an example. I don't know about you, but I'm not interested in a particularly ill-fitting and very blah version of these 80's styles:

Did you want an uglier version of your boyfriend's jacket, complete with the baggiest, least flattering sleeves ever?

This boring outfit is actually offensively harsh on your bum from behind:

Actually falling asleep here.

When in doubt, make it in leather? Not this time.

This should actually be burned, and no one should ever be able to make the mistake of purchasing this, except maybe your great-grandmother, and only to wear to bed.

Chalk another epic fail up for Wintour's judgement.

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